HUD Rent Studies
Phone: 607-757-0435
Fax: 607-757-0742

HUD rent comparability studies are used to estimate rent for Section 8 apartment units
and in conjunction with the HUD programs. Requirements for preparing HUD Rent
Comparability Studies are specific and change from time to time.  HUD Rent
Comparability Studies require adjustments for a large number of factors including:

•        Bathrooms
•        Square feet
•        Balconies
•        Utilities
•        Age
•        Condition
•        Appliances
•        Amenities
•        Non shelter services
•        Other pertinent differences

The process of estimating these rents involves detailed comparisons with other non-
subsidized units in the general location of the subject.  Studies can be necessary for
large single site units or a variety of scattered sites.

Call us anytime for further information.